The API authenticates using an API token which clients may retrieve by:
- Logging into My Account.
- Click the My Info tab on the welcome screen.
- Click My account profile link.
- Find the API token at the top of the profile.
Tips for Developers
Popular documentation tools (for example, Swagger) are not well suited for the Skypunch Technology API because unlike many APIs, these services—or at least the three ballot services—are not primarily intended to permit CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on data. Rather, the API’s ballot resource—and its three sub-resources (step_one, step_two, step_three) support actual application logic and user flow through the process of:
- viewing a ballot.
- confirming the selections made by a voter on that ballot.
- inserting the ballot into the system.
For this reason, the step_one and step_two representations of the ballot resource return HTML as the response. This HTML is ready for output in a web browser and may be styled to blend in with a consuming site’s look and feel as explained under the section Styling the Ballot.
Special Note for ColdFusion Websites
The Skypunch Technology API is built in ColdFusion. That means that for the three ballot services (step_one, step_two and step_three) any website also built using ColdFusion may simply submit a voter’s ballot selections (in other words, the FORM scope after clicking a Submit button on the ballot) to the web service as a native ColdFusion structure and bypass parsing over that FORM scope to create an XML object containing a voter’s selections (Examples of creating this XML are included below where appropriate). See the ColdFusion API documentation for more information and code samples.
Styling the Ballot
When consuming a ballot into your own website by using the Get Ballot step one, and Get Ballot step two methods detailed below, it will not, by default have any styling applied and subsequently not look very nice. To change that and apply the same styles used when the ballot is hosted on the Skypunch Technology site, follow these steps:
- Log into My account.
- Click the Preview ballot button associated with your election. (If that button does not display, you may also click the Submit a paper ballot link.)
- Once the ballot displays, view the source code for that page.
- Copy the style sheet from the HEAD section on this page and paste it into each of your ballot pages.
By copying the style sheet from a current ballot on the Skypunch Technology site, you are ensured of having the most up-to-date styles in use with the ballot at any given time. Once the style sheet has been copied into your own ballot pages, you may leave it as-is, or make any changes you wish to those styles in order to make the ballot blend in perfectly with your own site’s look and feel.
Avoiding style conflicts
Some of the styles may conflict with existing styles already in use on your site. However, because the output from the step one and step two methods must be nested into a <FORM> tag anyway, it is recommended to include the id attribute for that FORM tag giving the value something such as ballot. An example would look like:
<form method="post" id="ballot">
You then prepend any CSS rules where there is a conflict with #ballot. An example would look like:
#ballot header > div > img:first-child {width:570px; height:95px; vertical-align:text-bottom;}
This makes the selector for that rule a descendant selector, and ensures the rule is only applied to the ballot and nothing else.
The API Methods
- Values in curly brackets are variables provided by the consuming application.
- Election ID is the election ID generated by Skypunch Technology for each election. This value is displayed in your Skypunch Technology account associated with each election, or you may get it programmatically from the /elections endpoint.
- The documentation references the three models for conducting an election, 1. fully hosted, 2. passed authentication, and 3. fully integrated. Those models are represented at the Election Model Flowcharts.
Get elections
HTTP Method: GET
GET /rest/v3/elections
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
[ { "ID": 1549, "UUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "PUBLISHRESULTS": 1, "ELECTIONNAME": "Sample Election", "STARTDATE": "June, 06 2016 00:00:00", "ENDDATE": "June, 13 2016 23:59:00", "BIODEADLINE": "June, 03 2016 23:59:00" }, { "ID": 1562, "UUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "PUBLISHRESULTS": 0, "ELECTIONNAME": "Demonstration Election", "STARTDATE": "June, 29 2016 00:00:00", "ENDDATE": "June, 29 2016 00:00:00", "BIODEADLINE": "June, 29 2016 00:00:00" } ]
Get specific election
HTTP Method: GET
GET /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
[ { "ID": 1549, "UUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "PUBLISHRESULTS": 1, "ELECTIONNAME": "Sample Election", "STARTDATE": "June, 06 2016 00:00:00", "ENDDATE": "June, 13 2016 23:59:00", "BIODEADLINE": "June, 03 2016 23:59:00" } ]
Get ballot step one
- VoterID is a unique numeric identifier for each voter.
- Voted is a boolean value denoting the voting status of voters. False for those who have not voted, true for those who have.
- VoterGroup should be an empty string when voter groups are not associated with an election. When in use however, this parameter should match the appropriate voter group code defined in the election setup for voters who are in a given voter group.
- SIGs, like voterGroup should be an empty string when not in use. When used, this parameter should match the SIG code associated with any positions when the voter should have those positions included on the ballot.
- Weight should default to 1, but may be any integer value to reflect the weight of a voter’s ballot in cases where some voters’ ballots carry more weight than others.
- js is a boolean parameter. True for browsers that support javascript, false for those that don’t. This impacts the behavior of the candidate biographies.
POST /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/ballot/step_one
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Get ballot step two
- Ballot is distinct in that it is a snippet of XML you create based on the selections made by the voter on the previous page. The following sample demonstrates the format of XML you must end up with. For demonstration purposes, this sample assumes:
- The ballot contains the positions President (id = 8812) and Treasurer (id = 8813).
- The voter selected Robert Harrison for President and Terry McAllister for Treasurer.
- The voter either provided no comments, or comments are not enabled for either position
‹positions› ‹position› ‹positionID›pos8812‹/positionID› ‹candidates›Robert Harrison‹/candidates› ‹comments›‹/comments› ‹/position› ‹position› ‹positionID›pos8813‹/positionID› ‹candidates›Terry McAllister‹/candidates› ‹comments›‹/comments› ‹/position› ‹/positions›
- VoterID is a unique numeric identifier for each voter.
- Weight should default to 1, but may be any integer value to reflect the weight of a voter’s ballot in cases where some voters’ ballots carry more weight than others.
- Languages is a comma-delimited string of the languages codes support by the system (en for English, es for Spanish, de for German, fr for French, it for Italian, ch for Chinese, br and Portuguese).
POST /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/ballot/step_two
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache
ballot=‹positions›‹position›‹positionID›pos8812‹/positionID›‹candidates›Robert Harrison‹/candidates›‹comments›‹/comments›‹/position›
‹position›‹positionID›pos8813‹/positionID›‹candidates›Terry McAllister
Get ballot step three
- Ballot
‹positions› ‹position› ‹positionID›pos8812‹/positionID› ‹candidates›Robert Harrison‹/candidates› ‹comments›‹/comments› ‹/position› ‹position› ‹positionID›pos8813‹/positionID› ‹candidates›Terry McAllister‹/candidates› ‹comments›‹/comments› ‹/position› ‹/positions›
- VoterID is a unique numeric identifier for each voter.
- Weight should default to 1, but may be any integer value to reflect the weight of a voter’s ballot in cases where some voters’ ballots carry more weight than others.
- VoterGroup is the same variable used in the step_one ballot representation.
- SIGs, is the same variable used in the step_one ballot representation.
- custom1 is an optional parameter used for passing voter-specific demographic data.
- custom2 is an optional parameter used for passing voter-specific demographic data.
- custom3 is an optional parameter used for passing voter-specific demographic data.
- custom4 is an optional parameter used for passing voter-specific demographic data.
- Languages is a comma-delimited string of the languages codes support by the system (en for English, es for Spanish, de for German, fr for French, it for Italian, ch for Chinese, br and Portuguese).
POST /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/ballot/step_three
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache
ballot=‹positions›‹position›‹positionID›pos8812‹/positionID›‹candidates›Robert Harrison‹/candidates›‹comments›‹/comments›‹/position›‹position›‹positionID›pos8813‹/positionID›‹candidates›Terry McAllister‹/candidates›‹comments›‹/comments›‹ /position›‹/positions›&voterID=123&weight=1&voterGroup=&sigs=&custom1=&custom2=&custom3=&custom4=&languages=en
{ "heading": "PHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9Imxhbmd1YWdlXzEiPkJhbGxvdCBhY2NlcHRlZDwvc3Bhbj4=", "message": "PHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9Imxhbmd1YWdlXzEiPlRoYW5rIHlvdS4gWW91ciBiYWxsb3Q gaGFzIGJlZW4gYWNjZXB0ZWQuPC9zcGFuPg==", "status": "1", "ballot_id": "DSSYjuoBdDkJi2fjq3C1WL", "verify_heading": "PHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9Imxhbmd1YWdlXzEiPkJhbGxvdCB2ZXJpZmljYXRpb 248L3NwYW4+", "verify_message": "PHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9Imxhbmd1YWdlXzEiPihPcHRpb25hbCkgVmVyaWZ5a W5nIHRoaXMgYmFsbG90IGxhdGVyIHJlcXVpcmVzIHNhdmluZyBkYXRhIGFib3V0IGl0IHJpZ 2h0IG5vdy48L3NwYW4+", "verify_button": "PHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9Imxhbmd1YWdlXzEiPkdldCB2ZXJpZmljYXRpb24g ZGF0YTwvc3Bhbj4=" }
Get ballot count
HTTP Method: GET
GET /rest/v3/elections/2206/ballot/count
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Cache-Control: no-cache
Get voters
HTTP Method: GET
GET /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/voters
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Cache-Control: no-cache
"ID": 2891481,
"FIRSTNAME": "Pete",
"LASTNAME": "Lopez",
"EMAIL": "",
"WEIGHT": 1.0000,
"SIGS": null,
"ROLES": "voter",
"VOTED": 1,
"CUSTOM1": null,
"CUSTOM2": null,
"CUSTOM3": null,
"CUSTOM4": null,
"LANGUAGE": null,
"OTP_TYPE": "s",
"STATIC_OTP": 109379
"ID": 2891486,
"FIRSTNAME": "Jimmy",
"LASTNAME": "Roberts",
"EMAIL": "",
"WEIGHT": 1.0000,
"SIGS": null,
"ROLES": "voter",
"VOTED": 0,
"CUSTOM1": null,
"CUSTOM2": null,
"CUSTOM3": null,
"CUSTOM4": null,
"LANGUAGE": null,
"OTP_TYPE": null,
"STATIC_OTP": null
Add a voter
POST /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/voters
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
"sigs": null,
"email": "",
"voted": 0,
"weight": 1.0000,
"custom1": null,
"custom2": null,
"custom3": null,
"custom4": null,
"language": null,
"otp_type": null,
"voter_id": 2891501,
"last_name": "McMurray",
"first_name": "Terry",
"voter_group": "student"
Get voter IDs for passed authentication voters
HTTP Method: GET
GET /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/voters/passed
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Cache-Control: no-cache
Get token for passed authentication
The response is a JSON object (see Sample response below) containing three keys. The values associated with those keys depend on the response from this endpoint. When this endpoint issues a token, the token_issued key will equal yes and the token key will equal the token that you may use to authenticaticate the voter and direct them to the ballot. Do that by redirecting the request to the following URL providing the token in the response as the value of the token parameter. For example: In other cases, for example if the voter has already voted, a message to that effect will appear in the message key and token will be blank.
In the sample request below, the four custom fields at the end of the string of name/value pairs are all optional. Include them if you wish to pass custom voter demographic data into the system. Otherwise, they may be omitted.
POST /rest/v3/elections/{electionID}/token
key: 08BF6D9D-YC16-72F4-385AD9AF30CCF877
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache
"Token": "f3de9ee1-c143-11ee-8cac-74867a213c83",
"Message": "",
"token_issued": "yes"