Skypunch Technology is distinguished in the marketplace by its mature, RESTful API and off-the-shelf integrations with various systems which means:
- Increased voter participation as voters cast ballots at your own website.
- Voting activity is written back into an AMS (Association Management System) to provide:
- enhanced reporting.
- an ability to factor voting activity into a member engagement score.
- the ability to archive voting activity for data mining later.
- Voter roster stays current in real time.
- Blend the ballot into your own website for a single sign-on experience.
These are fully developed, off-the-shelf integrations ready to use right now. If you do not see the system you would like to integrate with listed, contact Skypunch Technology to learn about setting the wheels in motion to make that happen.
To learn more about integrating the Skypunch Technology voting system into an external system, see the API documentation.

iMIS, the Association Management System in use by 1000s of associations worldwide integrates with Evote using the Evote Universal Integration Bridge provided by Association Technology Solutions (ATS).

Abila’s netFORUM integrates with Skypunch Technology to create a single sign-on experience and capture voting activity in netFORUM for inclusion in your members’ A-score. Integration is available from Dovelox.

Higher Logic is the leading provider of community building software. When a voting member of your association contributes to a conversation hosted on Higher Logic’s solution, that voter could have an I Voted badge associated with their contribution. Your election then benefits from social proof to drive increased voter participation.